What are Chakras | How do I know which chakras are blocked | Complete Guide |

How do I know which chakras are blocked

Introduction Brief overview of the what are chakra system:- Chakra refers to a very ancient feature that originates from many Eastern spiritual traditions—for instance, Hinduism and Buddhism. Our body contains seven different chakras. This is a gathering of power centres along the spine, each of which has a link with a particular nerve bundle and … Read more

Chakra Colors: Meaning | Symbolism | Location | Functions


Introduction Brief explanation of what Chakra Colors are: Chakras are your body’s energy centers, which govern all its functions. Everything from your organs to the immune system and your emotions is part of their jurisdiction. According to ancient Indian philosophy, “Chakra” is a term used in alternative medicine. This word is Sanskrit for “wheel” or … Read more

20 Yoga Ball Exercises to Level Up Your Workout Routine

Yoga Ball Exercises

Core Introduction Few fitness-related ideas are more foundational than the concept of a strong core. Whether you are an athlete attempting to maximize your performance from your body, a general fitness enthusiast seeking to enhance your overall sense of wellness, or a regular individual seeking better posture and a lower chance of harm, beginning your … Read more

What is Yoga Unlocking Inner Serenity: Transform Your Life with Yoga


Brief definition of yoga: Yoga is an ancient art that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. The ancient practice is a comprehensive approach to mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The word “yoga” in Sanskrit translates to the union of the mind, body, and spirit.     However, yoga is also translated as “union” … Read more